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12 People of Change


2 min

1 February 2024

Because everything simple is in fact more complicated than it seems
And everything complicated is simpler, when we act together

ЗMIN Foundation prepared a special project on the story of an important way of reinforcing the Defense Forces of Ukraine through the purchase of transport.

From the perspective of ЗMIN experience, at least 12 actors from different fields are needed to provide a single vehicle. If at least one person falls off the cooperation chain, mission fails.

Since March 2022, the ЗMIN Foundation team has been implementing the direction of transport purchase. As of today, we have purchased and handed over more than 150 vehicles of various types. A story focused on a single organization helps illustrate experiences of hundreds of other initiatives that took the responsibility to act on the reinforcement during the war and look for the most efficient decisions.

Regardless of the urgency, we consider the project to be strategically important. In our new reality of a full-scale war, we feel the need to unite, interact, listen to and hear one another to achieve our mutual aim. We do clearly understand that money can be turned into the effective resource, synergically with the network, where funds, volunteers, businesses, and military personnel are efficiently cooperating.

We must acquire knowledge, discover, research, and learn from one another. As simple solutions do not work anymore. And complex solutions are formed at the intersection. In joint efforts.

The project has been developed in joint efforts of the PRYVIT/Production and ЗMIN Foundation teams.


A private Ukrainian foundation, created for the purpose of systematic expert activity to strengthen effective social transformations and sustainable development.
The ЗMIN key activity thread is to strengthen the civil society organizations through growing expertise, working out effective decisions, enhancing cooperation among players who unite different topics, spheres, and sectors.
We strengthen teams and directions where there is a connection with the current context, while providing an opportunity to build knowledge and tools for strategic thinking for tomorrow – through the formats of sustainable support, grants, scholarships, co-creation of projects, analytics, advocacy and information campaigns.

The key direction of the ЗMIN Foundation in 2023-2024 is the implementation of the special project "ЗMIN. RIPPLES" – a systemic investment campaign for the support of the Defense Forces of Ukraine.

The informational ЗMIN campaign that adds publicity to the continuous systemic direction of support for the Defense Forces of Ukraine. Among hundreds of other foundations, ЗMIN makes important impact locally and reactively, to set off long-term waves of change.

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